Jacinto Monteiro 1950-2020
It is with a sad heart that I share the news that Professor Jacinto Monteiro passed away on the 16th of May 2020 at the age of 70.
Full Professor of Orthopaedics of the University of Lisbon, and for 18 years Head of the Orthopaedics Department of the Northern Lisbon Hospital Centre, Jacinto Monteiro’s main traits were his kindness, discretion, passion for teaching and resilience when facing the most difficult challenges. Originally from Ourique, a small town in Alentejo - a rural province in the south of Portugal - he used to say he was “an urbanized country person”.
In addition to his vast curriculum, he achieved many other accomplishments and awards, both internationally and at the national level : Effective member of the National Forensic Council since 2008 (medical advice for legal decisions), President of the Portuguese Shoulder and Elbow section of SPOT Society (1989-1994) President of the Portuguese Society of Osteoporosis and Bone Diseases, President of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SPOT-2008). Beyond his merits and weighty responsibilities, his dedication to shoulder and elbow surgery since the late 1980’s was his most important legacy bequeathed to the Portuguese Orthopaedic community. After a fellowship with professor Angus Wallace in Nottingham, UK Jacinto Monteiro built the pillars of the first department dedicated to shoulder and elbow surgery in Portugal. His kind persistence, organization, work capacity and constant sharing of knowledge influenced other surgeons in his department and all over the country. This growing interest in shoulder and Elbow pathology led to the foundation of the Portuguese Shoulder and Elbow Section of the Portuguese Orthopaedic Society that was the embryo of the present Portuguese Shoulder and Elbow Society.
On an international level Prof Jacinto Monteiro was a SECEC enthusiast and his attitude called the attention of many Portuguese surgeons, like myself, to shoulder pathology and to the learning experience one could have by joining the society. During his mandate as national delegate many Portuguese surgeons joined SECEC, enriching the society and contributing to the development of shoulder and Elbow care in Portugal.
His dedication to SECEC’s mission drove him to assume responsibilities at the society that he gladly accepted, always striving to call the members attention to the quality of scientific work in Portugal and, as a good neighbour, also in Spain. He was president of the SECEC 2005 congress that took place in Lisbon and besides the resounding Scientific and financial success for the society, it constituted, most of all, a landmark in the development of shoulder and elbow surgery in the Portuguese orthopaedic community. Prof. Jacinto Monteiro also participated at the membership committee between the years 2006-2010 and on the Qualification committee from 2013 till 2017.
His legendary work capacity and drive led him to also become an EBOT Examiner (European Board of Orthopaedics and Traumatology), Chairman of the Shoulder and Elbow Committee worldwide and member of the AO Foundation (Surgical Education International School). More recently he became a founding member and president (2017) of the Orthopaedic Society of Portuguese speaking countries and until his last days he was fully committed, promoting multiple contacts and drafting the statutes to turn the society into a federation.
As an academic and Full Professor of Orthopaedics, Prof Jacinto Monteiro was a member of the School Council and Scientific Council and was jury of dozens of Aggregation exams, not only at his own University but also at Nova Medical School and even at other Colleges such as the Veterinary and Pharmacy Faculties of the University of Lisbon. It was the constant exchanges with his students and the sharing of knowledge that fulfilled Prof. Jacinto Monteiro.
Married to Sara, his life companion and love, he found together with his daughter and grandchildren the family support that allowed him to fulfil his professional activities as well as develop his hobbies, such as tennis and more recently ballroom dancing.
It is not possible to describe in writing such a rich professional, academic, family and social life as the one that Prof Jacinto Monteiro led. His motto “transform resignation into resilience” made him a life changing professor. We that inherit his mantle will ensure that his legacy will continue to shine and influence those that come after us.
Antonio Cartucho
Shoulder and Elbow unit Hospital Cuf Descobertas
Lisbon - Portugal